
Reviewing Your Hosting Packages in the Client Area

This will teach how to review your Hosting Packages through your Client Area. This tutorial will assume that you are already logged into WHMCS. If you are having problems doing that, or don’t know how, please view the tutorial named How to Login to the Client Area.

In the main Client Area Menu, you will find “My Products and Services”. Clicking that link will take you to a page that will allow you to review all your Hosting plans and the current status of those plans.

You can get more details on a hosting plan or account by clicking on the “View Details” link to the right of each account listing.

How to Pay Invoices in the Client Area

This tutorial will teach how to pay an invoice in WHMCS. The Client Area is where you come to pay for your hosting account, domain services, and any other services your hosting company charges to you. This tutorial will assume that you are already logged into WHMCS. If you are having problems doing that, or don’t know how, please view the tutorial named How to Login to the Client Area.

On the client area menu bar, click on the link called My Invoices. This opens a page of all your invoices. Each invoice has a line. Columns include invoice date, invoice due date, invoice total, invoice status (paid, unpaid, overdue) and the last column is View Invoice.

For an unpaid invoice, click on the View Invoice link. You can see the invoice is unpaid. In the upper right corner is a drop-down list of payment methods. Choose your payment method from this menu. Then click the Pay Now button directly below it. After you have completed the payment process, your invoice will be marked as paid. Note that some payment methods will require the invoice to be manually marked as paid.

Click the Client Area link in the You are Here list. This is the end of this tutorial. You now know how to pay an invoice in WHMCS.

How to Order Additional Items in the Client Area

This will teach you how to order additional items in the client area of WHMCS. It is a very easy process, and you can easily find the products you are looking for. This tutorial will assume that you are already logged into WHMCS. If you are having problems doing that, or don’t know how, please view the tutorial named How to Login to the Client Area.

On the You are Here line, click on the Portal Home link. This takes you to the Support Portal page. On the right hand side, click on the Order link. This takes you to a Browse Products & Services Page, and you will need to click on the Services link in the Menu bar.

Your hosting company may have one or may have many services listed as add-ons on this page. You can look and choose if there are any you need, and if you want to order one or more, click on the Order Now button by the item.

This will take you to a page called Product Configuration. If the product or service that you have chosen has any options, this is where you will make your choices, such as you may be offered billing cycles (i.e., monthly, yearly, etc) or you may need to choose which of several domains you own you wish to install this product on. Options will vary from hosting company to hosting company. When you are done, click Update Cart.

The following screen is your shopping cart, and if you are done, and everything seems to be in order, click the Checkout button. This takes you to the detail screen, and if you scroll down you will find that under your details, you need to enter your payment method. Add any additional notes or information you want to include with your order, and click the Complete Order button.

You will now be shown an invoice for your new order, with all the information you just entered. Click Back to Client Area at the bottom of the page. This is the end of the tutorial. You now know how to order additional items in WHMCS.

How to Register a Domain Name in the Client Area

You will learn how to register a domain name in the WHMCS Client Area in this tutorial. It is a simple process, with only a few steps. This tutorial will assume that you are already logged into WHMCS. If you are having problems doing that, or don’t know how, please view the tutorial named How to Login to the Client Area.

You are in the Client Area. At the “You are here” line at the top of the page, you need to click on the Portal Home link, which will take you to that page. About half-way down, on the right hand side is a link called Order. Click on this Link.

This takes you to a page where you can Browse Products & Services. On the Menu Bar, click on the Register Domain link.

You will be taken to a new page called Register a Domain Name. In the blank box, enter the domain name you would like to register. Choose the top level domain (TLD) you would like from the drop-down box at the end of the line, whether it is .com, .net, .org, or something else. Then click on the Check Availability button below the box. If the name is available, it will be listed in a box below, called Choose Domains. Sometimes, more than one (TLD) is available, and you may have a choice. Choose the one you want, and click on the Add To Cart button. The next screen will allow you to make any add-ons to your domain that you wish, such as adding a hosting package. Click Update Cart to move to the next screen.

You are now at your shopping cart. After you verify all the information is correct, click on the Checkout Button. On the next screen, you need to scroll down and choose your payment method. Add any notes, or additional information you want to include with your order, and click the Complete Order button at the bottom of the page.

WHMCS will now generate an Invoice with all the information for the domain you just registered. Click on the Back to The Client Area at the bottom of the page. Now click on the Client Area in the You are Here menu. This ends the tutorial. You now know how to register a domain name in the WHMCS Client Area.

How to Change Your Client Area Password

This tutorial will teach you how to change your password for your client area. Remember, this password is different than the password for your cPanel. This tutorial will assume that you are already logged into your client area. If you are having problems doing that, or don’t know how, please view the tutorial named How to Login to the Client Area.

On the menu bar, click on the My Details link. Once you are at the My Details page, Click on the Change Password link in the My Details Menu Bar. At the Change Password screen, type your current password in the first box. Then enter your new password into the second box, and confirm it by typing it again in the third box. Then click the Save Changes button. Your password has now been changed.

Remember, you should change your password often for security reasons. Click the Client Area link in the You are Here list, and that will take you back to the Client Area. This is the end of this tutorial. You now know how to change your Client Area password.

How to Update Your Personal Details in the Client Area

This tutorial will now teach you how to update your personal details in the client area. It is very important to keep this information current so that your hosting company can stay in contact with you. This tutorial will assume that you are already logged into WHMCS. If you are having problems doing that, or don’t know how, please view the tutorial named How to Login to the Client Area.

Along the top is the client area menu. Click on the link called My Details. This will take you to the personal details page, where you can modify your name, address, and more. If you make any changes, scroll down to the bottom of the page, and click on the Save Changes button.

You can then click on the Client Area link, and it will take you to where you can see your updated personal details.

This ends this tutorial. You now know how to update your personal information in the client area.